Wednesday, August 15, 2012


A self portrait of Albrecht Dürer
A self portrait of Frida Kahlo
      Individuality is the character and the qualities of an individual that distinguishes one from the rest of it’s kind. It can be a Honey badger, Sausage or a burger (taste of the burger is it’s individuality!) or any other. What my puny little brain is trying to say is, “each and every thing has its own individuality which makes it unique”.
        Do we ever make time to think about who we are? and how are we different from others? well I dont. Right! we dont have time for that, too busy finishing our work-load for our boss or our lecturer. Everyone is like a programmed machine that wakes up sharp at 6:00 AM and goes to work in a cubicle. This is not the life that I want, make a stand and dont be afraid to do something different! something bizarre!         Famous Artists are creative, thats right being creative is    part of my life. Im not sure if I am an artist or a designer. Two different things. Its a dream of every designer to be an artist however artists have their own individuality. Artists often resemble themselves by a self portrait. All these self portraits have a meaning behind it which cant be explained by words but each can interpret art and music in different ways.  

Self portrait of a portrait of a man by Jan van EyckOften known as Portrait Of a Man in a Red Turban

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